Archived Fishing Reports
Rodrigo Castro & his crew from Virginia wanted meat, so we started on a hard to follow change..... very few dolphin, but damm it the sailfish weren't a nuisance.....Jose Granados, from Midlothian, Jose Tello, from Chestar, and Michael Arias, from Richmond all caught & released sailfish.... a few wahoo relieved me of a few islander and seastars....what with the sharks and all, this has been an expensive year for tackle! A few bigeyes were hooked north of us.... we got there around 2 PM.... right at 3 PM we had a big bite... Michael Arias hopped in the chair and went to work.... the last two bigeyes hooked by other boats had chunks bitten out of them by sharks so we put the heat on this critter.....a half hour later we had it it sight.... Lee got the leader and started easing it up when we saw the !@$!##$ shark chasing it.... he pulled harder than you want to on the light leader & he and Tyler Sudbrink hit it with gaffs and pulled it over the side, literally snatched it right out of the 8 ft sharks mouth.... had a few scratches around the tail, but Michael got a whole 168# bigeye tuna to end the day!! 
Bill Woodward, from Williamsburg VA & Jason Boyd, ffrom Murray, VT released a double header of sailfish and David Caldwell, from Newport News released a white marlin today. 
TRA STOREY's 300# BLUE MARLIN CAUGHT THE OTHER DAY......since today we lost a blue marlin and have not much else to talk about!
 Tra Storey & crew wanted to go fishing in spite of the bad forecast, but weather turned out far better than we expected...... Had a slow start but got around some whales and had some bites, but as has been the case for the last several weeks, lost several to sharks.... then the bigeyes hit us..... pulled the hook on two but fought one for an hour, had it right to the boat when a hugh shark, every bit of 400# got hold of the bigeye right there at the boat with fish on the leader... and when the bloody melee was over, Mikey Fulchum pulled the head of a 180# bigeye in the boat....!$@#$!% Got set out and hooked another bigeye, but we put to much heat on it trying to get it away from the sharks and broke the line....@#$!%#@$@..... I was not in a good mood at that point!!.. But then things went our way as we hooked another bigeye, but Reginald White, from Roanoke Rapids, worked his butt off and I eased the boat away from the whales, and somehow we elluded the sharks and Reggie boated a 174# bigeye in 40 minutes.... Got set back out, it was getting late, we hooked another yellowfin but the sharks got it.... I said lets set out one more time as the tuna were jumping around us.... I had the two long baits out and was setting another when I saw a fin behind one bait, thought it was another damm shark, was looking elsewhere when that rod bowed over.....didn't know if it was a tuna or a shark or what as it was pulling drag but staying on top.... we cleared the lines and were backing up hopeing if it was a tuna we could get it before the sharks, it went deep, we stopped backing up and put the heat on it, when suddenly a school of dolphin swam up so we were trying to hook a few of them when suddenly the damm fish we had on started jumping....HOOKED UP BLUE MARLIN.... Tra Storey, from Jackson, NC, had had hard luck all day, but he got in the chair and had a blast fighting, catching and releasing a 300# blue marlin that jumped all around the boat, to end the day! 
On their second day fishing with us, Ed Begin, from upstate New York and his crew from all over boated 50# yellowfin but lost two to sharks, a 20# wahoo, a few nice dolphin and Justin Bergin, from Sarasota, NY released a 200# blue marlin that Lee hooked off the teaser and Justin did a great job fighting, finally releasing the fish after 40 minutes. 
Ed Begin & crew wanted meat fish today, and with not a lot of dolphin around, we focused on yellowfin....as did the whole fleet in one small area around some whales....we were lucky to come up with some 40-50# tunas that the sharks did not get, though they did get several of my rigs. 
Jacob Leitch, from St Leonard, MD & Thomas Richard, from Losby, MD each caught & released their first blue marlin ever after exciting half hour battles....both fish were 250-275# class fish..... the first a big hole bent pole on my long shotgun and the second a hot teaser fish that Lee picked off nicely. 
Matthew Barron, son Bernie & his sons Tyler, Nicholas & Matthew Jr along with Brandon Euba, from Pennsylania, have fished with me for many years..... we have had much better catches but never hooked as big a fish.... the boys had caught a few yellowfin in the morning when we hooked a lunker.....his oldest son Tyler (age 18) battled the bigeye for over an hour, did a great job, had the leader on the reel a couple of times, the fish in sight... at least 150 if not more, when the ceramic ring in the tip of the rod blew out and the line broke in the broken tip.... MEGA BUMMMER.... never had that happen before.....They were good sports.... I was devestated.... fishing was tough with a lot of boats circling one spot, sharks getting a lot of what we hooked, but we did scrap out a few and Bernie's youngest son Nicholas caught a tuna & did catch a few sharks. They booked us again for next year which was the best part of my day! 
Got a late start today....unusual for the OBSESSION....Tony Glass & crew, from Maryland, locked their keys in their truck with all their food and drinks... in Coralla....anyway, slow start.....we never had a bite till noon....behind the fleet all day....finally hooked a few large yellowfins & Tony's two teenage sons boated a pair of 50# yellowfins..... didn't have another bite till around 2 when we hooked two really nice yellowfins and Tony & Rusty each boated a 60# yellowfin 20 minutes later..... All the younguns come up on the bridge after that and I was tellling them stories about all the sharks eating our tunas this year.... one of the ones today had its tail about bit off.... when we had an explosion on my short shotgun & after several more misses, the MAKO finally got hooked...... Tony got in the chair and 15 minutes later we wrestled a 141# mako into the boat for a great ending to the day. Mikey Fulchum was filling in today as my regular mate Lee was running another boat for the day. 
Gary Gardner, from northern Virginia, and crew were taking one of their first trips offshore.... dreamed of catching a big fish.....and wanted some fish to bring home, but didn't need much.... so we headed north where we have had excellent blue marlin fishing (yesterday we pulled the hook on two) in unusually shallow (25-40 fathoms) water....... luck was in their favor today..... we lost the first two mahi that got after us, but recovered nicely when a nice blue marlin appeared on the teaser, Lee switched him off to a pitch bait and off we went....HOOKED UP BLUE MARLIN....after a grueling 45 minute battle, Bruce Centner, from Stafford VA released a blue marlin we estimated to be around 350 pounds. A short while later we got hit by the yellowfins, but the only two we hooked were on 30# TLD's out there for mahi, but the guys did great and boated both in the 45-50# class range. 
Tra Storey & crew, who fish with me several times a year, had a beautiful day on the water.... we started where there were some bigeyes yesterday, but that was a dry hole, and other tuna spots were not producing, so we ran back up north where there has been some excellent blue marlin fishing..... We hooked two nice fish, but both pulled the hook after some exciting jumping, we boated a nice yellowfin, and at the end of the day found a school of rays..... never seen that before offshore, and circled it and caught a few nice dolphin to end the day. 
Tim Hill, a coal miner from Caspar Wyoming told me he wanted to catch something BIG.....he & his crew fished with me the last two days.... meat fishing was slow in hot hot weather but we boated a few yellowfin tuna yesterday and mahi today..... Nathan Neilsen, from Gillete, Wyoming released his first ever white marlin and Tim did a great job catching releasing a 350# blue marlin today after a very exciting half hour battle with a lot of close to the boat jumping. 
 Eighty degrees at 4AM..... I like calm seas but this is rediculous.....too still.... tuna are around but very lethargic... fortunately we found a nice weed line and Israel Lau & his crew worked hard to put a nice catch of 5-15# dolphin in box, all caught on light tackle.... we pulled the hook on a white marlin after 10 minutes.... circled some pilot whales to end the day and boated a 35# yellowfin, and then hooked another and had it 30 feet from the boat when a dusky shark exploded on our tuna and by the time we got it to the boat there was nothing but eyeballs, mouth and pec fins! 
ONE MORE CIRCLE ( or another OBSESSION late innning rally!!)
 Jeff Marshall & his crew of outdoorsman from southern Maryland picked just a few mahi and yellowfin in the course of the day..... good sign of tuna but they were not biting ... lot of boats.... I decided to get away from boats in late afternoon, roll the dice, and work back north to cooler water where I started and did little but felt a late inning bigeye or two would bale us out... around 3 PM, I said we'd give it an extra half hour when I saw a tuna roll, worked over to it and got the mark but no bite..... circled back and one exploded on a teaser & we got two bites but only held on to one.... a nice 55# yellowfin.... that helped and I said to the boys, alright .... "lets make one more circle"... HA! made two or three and got no bites.... figured we were done..... turned down a ledge to stay in 120 or so fathoms as we cranked in our lines.....leaned over the rail and said lets call it a day....WHAM!!!!! BIG DAMM tunas exploded on everything....teasers were in the air ... I think all 10 poles bent over at one time or other....when the dust settled we had 6 fish on....COCKPIT CHAOS..... my regular mate Lee had a family emergency but fortunately legendary mate Mikey Fulchum was filling in and he did an awesome job helping the guys keep things untangled and wiring & gaffing everyone they got to the boat ..... an hour later 5 bigeyes and one 60# yellowfin were laying on the deck.....Jeffrey Marshall boated a 100# bigeye, James Buchanan boated a 119# fish, Daniel Walsh boated a 120# bigeye, all earning citations, and Neil Obrien & Mike Marshall boated 82 & 90 # bigeyes..... Todd Steima boated a 60# yellowfin...... We got back to the dock at 7 PM..... some would say that was not unusual for the OBSESSION, but I can assure you the old captain was tired and in need of some agave nectar.
Mike Hall & his crew from Maryland have fished with me a long time, but today was the first bigeyes the had ever caught.... we pulled a nice one off to start the day, circled back and hooked a pair..... Carl boated his 75# bigeye tuna after 20 minutes and Herb Davis boated his 100# citation earning bigeye after 30 minutes.... we pulled the hook on another bigeye later in the day, but did boat some 35-45# yellowfin tuna along with a few nice dolphin on an otherwise slow day for the fleet. 
My old friend and work partner Mark Rockett, who worked with me at Texas A& M university and also for the NC Division of Marine Fisheries many years ago, brought his wife and son Jonathan and friend Mark, all who live around Raleigh, NC fishing today....weather was beautiful, seas were calm and we had great luck, in the morning loading up on 40-55# yellowfin tuna and in the afternoon catching a bunch of 5-15# dolphin on light tackle. 
Bob Hines & crew from New Jersey & Pennsylvania, fished with us for the third year in a row......started the day on a grass line catching a bunch of mahi mahi on light tackle, then boated a box full of 35-55# yellowfin.... damm things were jumping everywhere chasing flying fish! 
For the second day, Tim, Ryan, Doug, Chris, Richard & Glen, from the Tricoastal Sportsman Club, from Baltimore, MD fished with us.... these guys were tough as seas were steep and large but they enjoyed the day and the beer, and never missed a beat. Had a great day on the dolphin yesterday so they wanted to focus on yellowfin tuna today.... All the boats around us were on a line catching dolphin first thing in the morning and we were catching nothing, but we got on them in the afternoon and the guys boated a bunch of 35 - 55# yellowfins, with a double header to end the day! 
Tim Gelineau & crew from Maryland had action all day long, in the morning on light tackle along a weed line where they caught most of a limit of 5-18# dolphin, and in the afternoon we trolled around and the caught three yellowfin 25-45# and two 20# wahoo to give the guys a "DOUBLE MEATFISH GRAND SLAM". YEEE HAAA! 
 Ken , Ken Jr & Ron Henry Henry & crew, from New Jersey have fished with me for 13 years, both in North Carolina and Mexico, and we have had some fantastic fishing together (24 white marlin in one day; limit of yellowfin, then a doubleheader 350# & 400# blue marlin end the day) but yesterday will go down as one of theirs & my best trips. Funny that I really didn't have a great gameplan for the water conditions but things went our way..... Started off hooking a single tuna right out of the gate, but fished right away from that area as radio fishing was better elsewhere..... Ken Henry Jr boated a 57# citation earning wahoo while I was working offshore.... then while I was staring ahead looking for birds & tuna my short shotgun got bit..... I turned to see a big hole and a bent pole.... HOOKED UP BLUE MARLIN!!!...... Ronald Henry released that 250# blue marlin after an exciting 30 minute battle..... We went back to looking for yellowfin, found some birds and caught another tuna, then a handful of dolphin to give the guys a "Meatfish Grand Slam"..... I was happy & releaxed now, cruising around looking for more birds on tuna when suddenly & once again with me looking everywhere but back, our short rigger popped out, I turned around and damm if Rod-ney hadn't "HOOKED UP ANOTHER BLUE MARLIN"!!!.... Ken Henry Jr grabbed the rod and a half hour latter released a 275-300# blue marlin..... and if that were't enough good luck for one day in the early afternoon there was an explosion on a short rigger..... Ken Henry jumped in the chair and watched as the fish almost dumped us..... things settled down finally and after an hour Ken boated a 206# BiGeYe tuna, his first ever..... With that we called it a great day and headed home.... Lee & I joined them for a great fish dinner...... 4 different species. .jpg)
Left the marina this morning just as the fog rolled in and my radar would not come on.... turned around..... eased my way back to the marina and then the radar came on, so I turned around and started again....made it out fine, a little sloppy crossing the Oregon Inlet Bar...... hit or miss today on the tunas....we were fortunate and got hit by them 3 times....Zach Moyer & crew did a great job boating two triple headers and a 5 banger to end the day.... nice class of fish..... most 40-50#. 
A five foot sea on the bar and thunderstorms on the way offshore I can deal with, but when we hooked and fought a 150# bigeye for an hour only to loose it 5 feet from the gaff really hurt.... and its what Matt D'amico and his New Jersey police wanted more than anything.... we've had many great days before with them but no bigeyes yet.... hopefully next year. 
Yesterday, we ran a long, long ways north, but it paid off...... Walter Vance & crew boated their limit of yellowfin by 10:30 AM..... had the box full and tuna laying on the deck.... we finished with 7 hooked at one time and while they were fighting those I hooked one swimming under a bait dangling besides the boat from the outrigger.....pretty bite.... fish were 20-50# class. Went back up their today and fishing was slow. 
My nephew Zach never comes fishing with me, but his friend Rob McFeeters, who I skied with in Colorodo last year & his crew, from New Jersey joined us today, and had beautiful calm seas and pretty good action....tuna were there but not biting very well....we managed to boat four 25-35# fish but the biggest one we hooked we only boated the head as two jumbo hammerheads followed it right to the Obsessions transom, and didn't leave us much....would have been a 50+....... ran north the second half of the day and the guys caught a handful of dolphin on light tackle to end the day. 
Jim Kennedy & his sons, from Cincinatti, Ohio, have fished with me the last 4 years, and we have had good luck but today took the cake! Didn't have all the lines in the water when we hooked a heavy fish.... Jim jumped in the chair and in short order boated a 167# bigeye..... we got the spread out, made a circle around some marks and hooked 2 heavy fish..... 45 minutes later Bala Venkatapathy, from Florance Kentucky & Patrick Kennedy boated 174# and 125# bigeyes.... we rode around for a while with no bites, got tired of the crowd of boats, and worked north and 4 rods bent over..... first two were 30-35# yellowfins, but the next two we fought for over an hour.....Daniel Kennedy did a great job boating a 184# bigeye, and Nick Kennedy also did a great job on a 200# fish that we had the leader on several times, but things just didn't work out and the line broke..... So we headed in with only 700# of fish....they are fishing again tomorrow and we are not going tuna fishing!! 
I put together a makeup group today, and as is usually the case, they were all great guys & had a good time together, the weather was outstanding and they put a nice catch of 20-45# yellowfin in the boat. As well, Jesse Dorey-Ferrera, from Arlington, VA boated a 100# bigeye tuna..... at 3:15 Ed Bird put a 45 # yellowfin in the boat and I told the guys that was a good way to end the day.... we cranked in the lines and damm if the last one got creamed by a bigeye tuna.... my date with some cactus juice was suddenly delayed, but Justin Muller, from Charlotsville, VA put the heat on it, and boated the 150# bigeye in 1/2 hour. 
 We didn't have half our lines out when we hooked a yellowfin, got it....tried to get the spread out and hooked and boated a few more yellowfin, got going again and still didn't have all our baits in the water when we hooked a yellowfin tuna and a bigeye...we boated the yellowfin, & David Gammon, from Goldsboro, NC boated the 153# bigeye after a 45 minute battle..... we picked away at the yellowfin tuna the rest of the day, and we came in early with a full box of tuna..... Steve & Amy, Mary, David & Dan caught a bigger bigeye and more yellowfin than their host Cory did yesterday and I think the girls were going to remind Cory of that fact! Thanks again Cory!! 
Cory Thorne has sent customers, employes & friends to fish with me for a number of years and today he even joined his group. Fishing was not great but we picked out a decent catch of 20-45# yellowfin, a few dolphin but the fish gods shined upon us at 2 PM as Cory hooked and boated after a 45 minute slugfest, a citation earning 143# bigeye tuna! 
Long time customer Rudy Middleton & sons & friends from Norfolk, VA had beautiful weather today..... we started the day looking for dolphin, but the grass lines were not well made up, but we did catch a good handful of fish on light tackle from 5 -25 #, then went tuna fishing and caught some 20 - 30 # class fish. 
Weather was beautiful, seas were calm and damm if there weren't alot of boats....we managed to avoid the overly crowded areas, found a unfished stretch of grass line, and Howard & Valerie Forbes, from Virginia Beach and their family had good action on 5-20# dolphin on light tackle, and then we picked away at a few 20 - 40# yellowfin tuna. 
Good tuna fishihg that is for some of the boats today, but I skillfully managed to drive around them most of the afternoon. Nevertheless, John Niejadlik and crew from around West Point, NY, who have fished with me the last few years, boated a nice catch of 20-35# yellowfin tuna and 7 - 20# dolphin. 
Charley, Shani, Mason & Robert have had 2 great days already this week, so none of us were too upset about how today went.....started great with a 40# tuna right out of the gate, but then a wahoo got my teaser, then a shark got our 50# tuna..... we did catch a few more yellowfin and half a dozen gaffer dolphin....then at 2:30, with weather deteriorating and seas building, we hooked two bigeyes, both of which broke the light leaders we were using for yellowfin....put the boat in gear at 2:45 (should have just quit then) and damm if we didn't hook another bigeye which ate a dangling bait before we even got half the spread out.... and we hooked a shark on a drifting bait before we got all the lines cleared.... and there were severe thunderstorm warnings going out..... got the shark release....200 # hammerhead.... Charley, Mason & Robert all fought the bigeye for 1 1/2 hours.... damm thing was mean....we had mucho heat on it.....and it was staight up an down but 100+ ft to go, Lee holding the line off the boat, the windward side, when a wave crashed into the side the boat and rolled her hard over and the line hit the chine and broke.... @$#%@@R%@ ......Robert, Mason, Shani & Charles are again fishing with me tomorrow and we're hoping for revenge! No picture today, as a deluge hit us when we backed into the slip.
Started the day on a weedline and Charley, Irving, Robert, Speedy & crew boated a nice catch of 5 - 28# gaffers on light standup tackle, then to end the day boated 30 -50# class yellowfin tuna. 
Robert Crowder, Charles Townes, Irving Prichit and company patiently waited all morning with no action, and when we were all resigned to a slow day, the tuna finally started biting....didn't have a pin pot till 1AM, but then we had good action, boated 30-50# yellowfin one and two at a time for 2 hours of great fishing. 
We started off looking for 'gaffer' dolphin which had been productive the last few days, and found some decent conditions but smaller fish then I was hoping for and the grass line took me in the wrong direction..... I thought.... but some guys up above me hit some bigeyes, so we ran up north, but by the time we got there a pretty large fleet had developed and I was thinking we should not have left fish to find fish.... but we got lucky.... I marked some bigeyes, but did not get a bite, and due to the number of boats, it took 20 minutes to get back to the spot but dammed if when I got there depth charges exploded behind the OBSESSION and three poles bent over and line was going away from us quikly..... Larry Lohman, from Naples Florida, (149#), Roger Riley, from Prince Fredrick, VA (173#) and Billy Poss, from Huntingtown, MD ( 174#) did fantastic, boating all three bigeyes in under an hour, their biggest fish ever!! Where was Tommy Palmer??? 
Jeff, Jose, Bob, & Patrick, from North Carolina & Georgia, boated a nice catch of big dolphin, ranging up to 24# along with a pair of 35# yellowfin, most everything caught on light stand-up tackle. 
Mike, Bill, Joe, Pasquale & Ed drove down after work yesterday, got to the boat at 4AM, as they have been doing for 10 years or more, and had action all day long as we started on a weed line and picked away at 5 0- 20# dolphin, caught a few tunas in the process on light tackle, a surprise king mackerel, and the we hit 4 tunas at one time to end the day, of which we caught three, and went home with a box full of fish and a full stomach..... these guys bring the best custom hogies and buffalo shrimp known to man!! Love them lunatics!! 
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Obsession Sportfishing Charters
Outer Banks - North Carolina
Captain Jeff Ross 3102 S. Ocean View Ct. Nags Head NC 27959